Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

We exist

We are a community of people who are mainly from Ethiopia and Eritrean backgrounds reside in Boston are and our church located at 838 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambrige MA, 02139.

We are committed
  • To worship and honor God in our lives and in the world.
  • To go and preach the good news for all nations and to make disciples, who would make other disciples
  • To expand the Kingdom of God through proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ
  • To make fellowship and support each other. We are affiliated with Southern New England Ministry Network of Assemblies of God Church
Vision Statement
To be a Spirit-empowered church that transforms lives, impacts communities, and spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations, preparing the world for His glorious return.

Mission Statement
To glorify God by leading people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, equipping believers for discipleship, and engaging in outreach to meet the spiritual and physical needs of our local and global communities.

Core Values
  1. Biblical Truth: We are committed to the authority of God’s Word as the foundation for our faith, teaching, and living.

  2. Spirit Empowerment: We rely on the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide, empower, and transform lives for ministry and mission.

  3. Prayer and Worship: We prioritize passionate prayer and worship as central to our relationship with God and the life of the church.

  4. Evangelism and Missions: We are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel and demonstrating Christ’s love to all people, near and far.

  5. Community and Fellowship: We value unity in the body of Christ and seek to build authentic, loving relationships within the church and with our neighbors.

  6. Holiness and Integrity: We strive to live lives of holiness, integrity, and godly character as a testimony to the world of Christ’s transforming power.

  7. Compassionate Service:  We are called to serve others by meeting their spiritual, emotional, and practical needs with Christ-like love and humility.

These guiding principles reflect our heart to honor God, empower believers, and reach the world with the message of hope and salvation.